Guess I was wrong about the idea the health care law wouldn't affect me. My rates went down a bit! (that's ARUP's (love you!) explanation for the decrease, anyway) Neat. Don't think this is my final judgment on the law, though; I was fine before the law and it's neat that I'm a little finer after, but it's not me I have in mind when it comes to health care legislation.
I want health care legislation to help people who WEREN'T fine before the law. Does this law do that? HellifIknowyet. I suspect it could have been much more, but with the amount of pressure from people who think the old way was the best way, I guess a compromise might be the best I could have hoped for?
HellifIknowyet. All I know is I won't fight a step in the right direction, because it seems to me it's more progress than not taking the step at all. Just because the stride might have been longer doesn't mean we abort the sub-optimal one?
You guessed it. HellifIknowyet.