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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Insolent Dirt: the Earth Element

We move from a contender for the title of 'most exotic' to, perhaps, the most familiar (and maybe even boring?) of the elements. Still, somebody's gotta be the straight man, right? I mean, could the Aqua Teens work without Frylock?


Color: Yellow
Sin: Pride
Virtue: Integrity

  Nature and Applications: Earth holds dominion over most of the terrestrial solids. If it's not wood, bone, stalk, or flesh, then it is likely one of the minerals or metals of the earth element. These substances are often known for their rigidity, a trait that reflects the earth's strong sense of identity. It craves respect, which is why it so often shapes itself into the mountains humans associate with reverence.

  Where other wizards seem to command their elements, earth mages must make humble suggestions, ask for favors, or beg for help in order to achieve the results they desire. Boulders can crumble into dust to clear paths, desert dunes might shift and harden to become shelter, and iron can volunteer to forge the proper bonds and shape itself to become a warrior's steel.

  Earth sorcery is fundamentally about shape, at least when it's used exclusively. Novices can make fields plow themselves in a day, intermediates can open sinkholes or bridge a canyon, and masters can have a mountain carve itself into a palace.

  There is much a clever specialist can accomplish on their own, and there are obvious synergies to be had with the other elements. Earth can be shaped to help water reach places it would struggle to on its own, and metal is essential for the generation and transmission of electricity. Should sufficient heat be achieved, magma allows for even more versatility in an earth magician's arsenal. Like water and air, control of the earth is not lost once a substance changes state.

Pretty straightforward so far, and I don't feel a ton of need to reinvent the wheel on this one. I would like to expand on the kinds of things we've seen rocks and dirt do in previous fantasy, but it can retain that earthy flavor. If ya don't like it, nobody forced ya to put it in your mouth...

Plus, I mean, I could tap into that ginormous Edward Elric fangirl demographic on the weapon possibilities alone. I mean, that's what they see in him, right?

What do you mean by that "You don't understand what women want!" comment? Isn't this gif his entire appeal?

Jokes aside, there's still a lot of room for innovation here. I mean, a whole lot of that Periodic Table of Elements is made up of stuff that falls into the 'earth' category. Are there any fun reactions (of the naturally-occurring elements, preferably) you'd like to see used? Maybe some of them metals that make those special fire extinguishers necessary? Further, I feel like I haven't given as much thought to inter-element activity on this one, how might we combine earth with some of the other elements? I've got a cool idea for a sword that also takes on the properties of electricity, and when ya swing it, it can strike like lightning, simultaneously slicing and shocking. A pretty high-level artifact, though, and one that needs to be charged...

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